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Christopher C Tubbs

Christopher C Tubbs, is a dog loving, descendent of a long line of Dorset clay miners who has traced his family tree back to the 16th century in the Isle of Purbeck. He left school at 16 to take an apprenticeship in Avionics and has been a public speaker for most of his career and was one of the founders of a successful games company back in the 1990’s. 

Now in his sixties , and living in the Netherlands Antilles, he finally got around to writing the stories he had going around in his head for many years. Thanks to inspiration from the great sea and fantasy authors he was finally able to put digit to keyboard and start writing the Dorset Boy series. He makes no apologies that he writes for himself. The stories emerge as he writes and is often surprised by the twists and turns that they take. His dogs sit by him as he writes and it would be unfair to leave them out so look out for them in The Dorset Boy series.

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